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Sulfatase-1 knockdown promotes in vitro and in vivo aggressive behavior of murine hepatocarcinoma Hca-P cells through up-regulation of mesothelin
Sulfatase-1 knockdown promotes in vitro and in vivo aggressive behavior of murine hepatocarcinoma Hca-P cells through up-regulation of mesothelin
Modeling migration in cell colonies in two and three dimensional substrates with varying stiffnesses
Molecular signature of nitric oxide on major cancer hallmarks of colorectal carcinoma
De novo metastasis in breast cancer: occurrence and overall survival stratified by molecular subtype
Prognostic values of the integrated model incorporating the volume of metastatic regional cervical lymph node and pretreatment serum Epstein–Barr virus DNA copy number in predicting distant metastasis in patients with N1 nasopharyngeal carcinoma
Analysis of the outcome of young age tongue squamous cell carcinoma
Modeling migration in cell colonies in two and three dimensional substrates with varying stiffnesses
Identifying biomarkers of breast cancer micrometastatic disease in bone marrow using a patient-derived xenograft mouse mode
Exosomes Derived from Irradiated Esophageal Carcinoma-Infiltrating T Cells Promote Metastasis by Inducing the Epithelial–Mesenchymal Transition in Esophageal Cancer Cells
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