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Human mitochondrial MTHFD2 is a dual redox cofactor-specific methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase/ methenyltetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase
Minhye Shin - Personal Name
Jessica Momb - Personal Name
Dean R. Appling - Personal Name
This pathway is highly compartmentalized in eukaryotes, with the mitochondrial pathway producing formate for
use in cytoplasmic processes. The mitochondrial enzyme MTHFD2 has been reported to use NAD+ as a cofactor
while the isozyme MTHFD2L utilizes NAD+ or NADP+ at physiologically relevant conditions. Because MTHFD2 is
highly expressed in many cancer types, we sought to determine the cofactor preference of this enzyme.
Results: Kinetic analysis shows that purified human MTHFD2 exhibits dual redox cofactor specificity, utilizing either
NADP+ or NAD+ with the more physiologically relevant pentaglutamate folate substrate.
Conclusion: These results show that the mitochondrial folate pathway isozymes MTHFD2 and MTHFD2L both
exhibit dual redox cofactor specificity. Our kinetic analysis clearly supports a role for MTHFD2 in mitochondrial
NADPH production, indicating that this enzyme is likely responsible for mitochondrial production of both NADH
and NADPH in rapidly proliferating cells.
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