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3D super-localization of intracellular organelle contacts at live single cell by dual-wavelength synchronized fluorescence-free imaging
Suresh Kumar Chakkarapani - Personal Name
Peng Zhang - Personal Name
Seong Ho Kang - Personal Name
mitochondria-associated endoplasm reticulum [mito-ER] contacts) in live single cells under physiological conditions was developed
with dual-wavelength enhanced dark-field microscopy. The method was applied to live single cells under physiological conditions to
analyze the complex 3D mito-ER contact region by choosing an optimum nanotag with distinct scattering properties. Combining
dual-view with enhanced dark-field microscopy provided concurrent images of different scattering wavelengths of nanotag-labeled
mitochondria and ER. The reconstructed super-localized images resolved controversy over the distance between the intracellular
organelles at functional contacts. The distance between mitochondria and ER was measured to be 45 nm, which was ~ 50% greater
than in a previous report using electron microscopic tomography, and was a better fit for the likely features of these structures. These
results indicate that this method was a reliable and convenient approach for investigating the 3D structure of organelles, such as mitoER contacts in live single cells, and provided accurate information under physiological conditions.
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Multispectral plasmon
Concurrent imaging
Gaussian fitting
ntracellular organelles
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