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Development of a co-culture device for the study of human tenocytes in response to the combined stimulation of electric field and platelet rich plasma (PRP)
Chih-Hao Chiu 1,2,3 - Personal Name
Kin Fong Lei 4,5 - Personal Name
Wen-Ling Yeh 6,7 - Personal Name
achieve biological healing and recovery in the tendon-bone
zone. Some clinical evaluations reported the feasibility of ten-
don healing based on the stimulations of electric field and
platelet-rich plasma (PRP). However, because of lack of ap-
propriate tool for in vitro primary culture under complicated
conditions, the efficacy and standard protocol of these healing
approaches are still controversial among clinical experts. In
this study, a novel co-culture device was developed for the
study of tenocytes proliferation under single and combined
stimulations of electric field and PRP. The device was a cul-
ture well divided into three sub-chambers separated by a bar-
rier and embedded with a pair of parallel plate electrodes.
Tenocytes and PRP gel could be respectively loaded into the
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