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Development of a biodegradable flow resisting polymer membrane for a novel glaucoma microstent
Stefan Siewert 1 - Personal Name
Rudolf Guthoff 2 - Personal Name
Niels Grabow 3 - Personal Name
Boris Chichkov 4 - Personal Name
Ulf Hinze 4 - Personal Name
Michael Stiehm 1 - Personal Name
Sylvia Pfensig 1 - Personal Name
Wolfram Schmidt 3 - Personal Name
Thomas Reske 1 - Personal Name
Frank Luderer 3 - Personal Name
Karen Falke 2 - Personal Name
Klaus-Peter Schmitz 1,2 - Personal Name
bility of a novel microstent for glaucoma therapy. For lower-
ing of intraocular pressure, the flexible polyurethane (PUR)
implant is designed to drain aqueous humour from the anterior
chamber of the eye into subconjunctival, or alternatively
suprachoroidal, space. The microstent includes a biodegrad-
able, flow resisting polymer membrane serving as temporary
flow resistance for the prevention of early postoperative hy-
potony. A biodegradable local drug delivery (LDD)-device was
designed to prevent fibrous encapsulation. Biodegradable com-
ponents were made of flexible, nonwoven membranes of
Poly(4-hydroxybutyrate) (P(4HB)). Polymer samples and
microstent prototypes were manufactured by means of dip coat-
ing, electrospinning and femtosecond-laser micromachining
and characterized in vitro with regard to structural and fluid
mechanical properties, degradation behavior and drug release.
Bending stiffness of PUR-tubing (62.53 ± 7.57 mN mm 2 ) is
comparable to conventional glaucoma drainage devices in a
tube-plate design. Microstent prototypes yield a flow resistance
of 2.4 ± 0.6 mmHg/μl min −1 which is close to the aspired value
corresponding to physiological pressure (15 mmHg) and aque-
ous humour flow (2 μl min −1 ) conditions inside the eye.
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