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Meaningful perception of place: The most effective dimensions and factors
Parisa Kalali - Personal Name
analyze the effectiveness of each factor influencing this process. It will also investigate the effects of various perceptional
dimensions (including cognitive, affective, interpretative and evaluative dimensions) on the manner of
perceiving different levels of place meaning. Arg Street inMashhad city was selected as the study area and both the
qualitative and quantitative methods were adopted. Techniques of semi-structured interview, and coding and hermeneutic
methods were used to analyze the relation among different levels of place meaning and the effective
factors and dimensions of environmental perception. Findings demonstrate that certain perceptional dimensions
may have more effect on perception of particular levels of place meaning. The results indicate that ‘cognitive
dimension’ is the most influential dimension in perception of the primitive level of place meaning, while ‘affective’,
‘interpretative’ and ‘evaluative’ dimensions play themost significant role in perception of the extreme levels of place
meaning. Moreover, this research suggests a need for further studies exploring practical methods in our contemporary
urban design projects, which can involve the perception of people with the most effective dimensions.
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