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Antiproliferative and antioxidative activities of cuttlefish (Sepia pharaonis) protein hydrolysates as affected by degree of hydrolysis
Ali Hamzeh - Personal Name
Masoud Rezaei - Personal Name
Saber Khodabandeh - Personal Name
Ali Motamedzadegan - Personal Name
Mehrdad Noruzinia - Personal Name
degree of hydrolysis (DH) of 20.9, 25.5, 30.6, 35.3 and 40.6% (shortened as 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40%, respectively) prepared
using alcalase were evaluated. The results indicated that the CPH with 20, 30 and 40% DH showed the greatest activity against
DPPH radical scavenging [5.2 µmol TE (torolox equivalent)/g sample], reducing power (0.4 absorbance at 700 nm) and total
antioxidant capacity (0.6 mg ascorbic acid equivalent/g sample), which were 2.5, 6.5 and 13.8 times higher than the cuttlefish
mantle protein isolate (CPI), respectively. The CPH with the DH of 20% had the highest effect against MDA-231 and T47D
cancer cell lines with growth inhibition of 78.2 and 66.2%, which were 6.5 and 6 times higher activities compared to the CPI,
respectively. The amino acid profile of CPH indicated that glutamine (15.7%) and asparagine (10.9%) were predominant.
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