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The application of vernacular Australian environmental design principles in Glenn Murcutt’s architecture
Mauricio Lecaro 1 - Personal Name
Benson Lau 2 - Personal Name
Lucelia Rodrigues 2 - Personal Name
Dik Jarman 2 - Personal Name
In this work, the authors have conducted a critical review of three of his most celebrated projects from the environmental design perspective, Marie-Short, Ball-Eastaway, and Marika-Alderton Houses. Even though these houses share a similar building typology, their time of design, location, climate, orientation, tectonics and environmental requirements greatly differ, offering an opportunity for comparative analysis. Through theoretical qualitative and quantitative studies, the close connection between the spatial qualities, environmental design strategies and performance of these houses were investigated in detail. The impact and implications of the reinterpreted elements of Australia’s vernacular architecture including verandahs, overhangs, roofing shape, building form and layout, had on the performance and spatial delight of the houses was explored through computer aided modelling. Daylighting and thermal performances were assessed and analysed in correlation with Murcutt’s environmental design strategies.
Through this investigation it is clear that while cross-ventilation and shading devices were adopted in buildings to prevent excessive solar ingress during summertime, Murcutt seems to consciously favour scenic views, and a constant connection with nature over visual and thermal comfort. Although the three houses experience occasional visual and thermal discomfort, the research findings suggest that they perform well as free-running buildings for most of the time. They are found to be sensibly designed to be climatically adaptable, skilfully built and spatially delightful, whilst keeping a continuous dialogue with nature; it is achieving this unique balance that lies the significance of Murcutt’s work.
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