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Development of a psychometrically valid gun attitude scale
TENHUNDFELD, Nathan L. - Personal Name
Attitude Scale (GAS), development and replication results reported herein, takes into account one’s comfort with gun use.
Exploratory factor analysis results indicated and confirmatory factor analysis confirmed, χ 2 = 96.64, df = 26, p < 0.001, CFI =
0.95, SRMR = 0.05, the presence of one subscale, the General GAS (9 items, explaining 52.97% of the total variance). Analyses
of the psychometric properties of the scale indicated that the GAS is a valid and reliable measure of gun attitudes (i.e., test-retest
r’s greater than 0.80). The GAS is the first scale that adequately addresses an individual’s believed ability to use a gun.
Researchers wishing to understand the role of attitude towards guns in multivariate models would benefit from using the GAS
in their studies.
EB00000003334K | Available |
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Nathan L. Tenhundfeld 1...[et al]