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An Examination of Bullying and Physical Health Problems in Adolescence among South Korean Youth
JENNINGS 1, Wesley G. - Personal Name
ination of the relationship between bullying victimization
and adolescent physical health. Relying on data from a large
sample of adolescents from South Korean schools (Korean
Children and Youth Panel Survey), a series of ordinary least
squares regression models were estimated for adverse
physical health outcomes. The results suggest that bullying
victimization and perpetration is a significant risk factor for
various forms of adverse physical health outcomes includ-
ing asthma, rhinitis, and obesity. Specifically, being the
victim of verbal bullying was associated with greater
exposure to adverse health problems, including asthma,
rhinitis, and obesity. We also found that being bullied
physically was associated with a higher prevalence of
obesity but those effects dissipated in fully controlled
models. Lastly, we did observe that verbal bullying perpe-
tration was associated with more asthma over time. Study
limitations and implications for bullying prevention are also
EB00000003171K | Available |
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Wesley G. Jennings 1[et al]
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