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Novellenschätze narratologisch auszeichnen und analysieren am Beispiel Victor von Scheffels Hugideo und der sozialen Netzwerkanalyse
Friedrich Michael Dimpel - Personal Name
annotating are: space, time, focalisation, reported speech, narrator’s speech, relation
of the speech of a character/of the narrator to a certain character, evaluative remarks,
negation, figurative speech, ambiguity. Alongside with the tagset, guidelines for an
notation will be developed in order to enable different persons to achieve consistent
results (inter-annotator-agreement). In doing so, narratological models will be systematically
reassessed and refined. The aim of this project is therefore to annotate
about 100 short narratives. The corpus will render possible a great variety of followup
aims and objectives. It permits systematic access to corpus segments annotated
in the same way. Using Victor von Scheffel’s Hugideo I demonstrate how complex
a narratological annotation is. Finally, I present some examples of quantitative
analysis using among others MTLD and Social Network Analysis.
EB00000003008K | Available |
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Digital Humanities
Digital Text Studies
Computational Narratology
Annotation (XML)
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