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Foyergespräche im Theater Interaktionale Aneignungspraktiken des Publikum
Erika Linz - Personal Name
Christine Hrncal - Personal Name
Eva Schlinkmann - Personal Name
theater lobbies from the perspective of conversation analysis It thus gives an insight
into a practice of communication on art that has not been analyzed yet Taking the
example of practices of reconstruction and assessment, it is shown how theatergoers,
in the course of an interactive process, align, negotiate and relate their (aesthetic) experiences
during the theater play to their own life and to society. The analysis points
out that the audience perceives the follow-up-communication in the theater lobby
as a crucial part of the theater event. It emphasizes the relevance of appropriation
practices for the audience.
EB00000002926K | Available |
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Conversation Analysis
Communication on art
Linguistic and communicative practices
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