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Evolutionary Coalitional Games
Tadeusz PÅ‚atkowsk - Personal Name
population. The members of the population play a strategy chosen from a finite set and interact
in randomly formed coalitions. The interactions are described by a multiplayer strategic game.
Each coalition generates a total utility, identified with the value of the coalition, and equal
to the sum of the payoffs of its all members from the multiplayer game. The total utility is
distributed among the coalition members, proportionally to their Shapley values. Evolution of
the whole population is governed by the replicator equations. Polymorphic stationary states
of the population are studied for various types of the multiplayer social dilemma games. It
is argued that application of coalitional game theory solution concepts to social dilemma
models of evolutionary game theory can foster cooperation in the long run.
EB00000002868K | Available |
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