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Revisiting the ‘ethnic enclave economy’: resilient adaptation of small businesses in times of crisis in Spain
VALENZUELA-GARCIA, Hugo - Personal Name
PARELLA, Sònia - Personal Name
GUELL, Berta - Personal Name
was formulated more than 25 years ago and since then has been subject to a great
debate. Spatially concentrated businesses have for a long time been viewed as
particularly anomalous and their economic significance for the society has been
overlooked. Yet, recent processes of economic globalisation have generated growing
demands for small and flexible businesses in urban cities, with the effect of an
increasing number of ethnic entrepreneurial activities. This paper revisits the
mainstream definitions of ‘ethnic enclave’, by taking into account new approaches that
can be used to adapt the term to the dynamics of global economy and to disassociate
it from a territorially fixed and circumscribed place. At the same time, these approaches
provide a strong foundation to shape the enclave as a form of economic resilience in
times of crisis. Most of the defining characteristics of the enclave explain how
businesses are able to adapt and expand taking advantage of their competitiveness in
spite of the economic recession. Such a line of argument is illustrated and discussed
through empirical data from two case studies: Pakistani businesses in the
neighborhood of Raval (Barcelona), and the Indian souvenir business in the Catalan
coast (Girona).
EB00000004484K | Available |
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Hugo Valenzuela-Garcia 1* , Sònia Parella 2, Berta Güell 2
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