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Truth and Consequences: Law, Myth and Metaphor in American Indian Contested Adoption
SARGENT, Sarah - Personal Name
argues that the United States founding myth of Manifest Destiny—of the divinely ordained fate of the continent to host a (white) Christian state—is determinative of the way in which legal decisions regarding American Indians are made. The myth of
Manifest Destiny contains a metaphor of va ished American Indians, such that contemporary American Indians are rendered nearly invisible and whose existence is not easily absorbed into the working of the American legal system. The American
Indian Child Welfare Act provides protections against assimilation for indigenous families and community, thus working at cross-purposes to the ultimate aim of Manifest Destiny. What happens in those instances when legal provisions and interpretation run counter to Manifest Destiny? Through the consideration of the situation of a contested adoption, this article reveals the heavy influence of Manifest Destiny in the Supreme Court decision, which is counter to the vision of a pluralistic culture envisioned in both the novel and the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) itself. The consequences of legal resistance to ICWA for American Indian communities and as to the operation of the legal system itself are discussed.
EB00000004379K | Available |
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Indian Child Welfare Act
Trans-racial adoption
Cherokee Nation
Manifest Destiny
Founding myth
Indigenous rights
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Statement of Responsibility
Sarah Sargent1
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