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Third-party ownership prohibition in football and European Union fundamental freedoms: CAS decision on RFC Seraing case
MENDONECA, Pedro Henrique Rebello de - Personal Name
competitive in the global transfer market, as they could attract and retain footballers whom they would otherwise not have
been able to attract if the clubs had to acquire the totality of the players’ economic rights. However, this mechanism was
banned by FIFA in 2015 after the inclusion of Article 18ter in its Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players. This
prohibition has been very controversial and was challenged before the CAS by the Belgian club RFC Seraing. The decision
in the case considered the parties’ arguments: The club’s argument was that Article 18ter violated European Union law,
including the fundamental freedoms; FIFA’s argument was that such a measure was necessary and proportionate to
preserve the integrity of football. Throughout this paper, the reasoning adopted by the CAS panel in its decision will be
analysed, taking into consideration the allegations regarding the legitimacy of FIFA’s objectives in banning TPO as well as
the adequacy and proportionality of such a measure to achieve those objectives. Therefore, it will be possible to verify
whether the TPO prohibition is truly compatible with the European Union’s fundamental freedoms.
EB00000004365K | Available |
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Pedro Henrique Rebello de Mendonça
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