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The Viability of the Unitary Patent Package After the UK’s Ratification of the Agreement on a Unified Patent Court
SELLENS, Marı´a Ara´nzazu Gandı´a - Personal Name
to a large extent, on a political choice. However, whichever choice is made will
entail certain legal consequences that deserve careful consideration. This article
analyses the various possible scenarios for the viability of the unitary patent system
after the UK’s ratification of the Agreement on a Unified Patent Court. The study
traces different angles, with and without the participation of the United Kingdom in
such system. Along this line, the hypotheses used cover several situations, either
blocking the UK’s participation in the system or envisaging it to the fullest. The
consequences of the UK’s participation in the system for third States are also
addressed. The study reveals that there are several alternatives for setting the system
in motion after the UK’s ratification of the Agreement on a Unified Patent Court;
however, the option of keeping the status quo is not among them
EB00000004364K | Available |
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Marı´a Ara´nzazu Gandı´a Sellens
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