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The Current Barriers to Corporate Takeovers in Japan: Do the UK Takeover Code and the EU Takeover Directive Offer a Solution?
LEE, Joseph - Personal Name
making it less costly for a bidder to obtain corporate control; there is no price control to protect minority shareholders. Yet the traditional symbiotic relationship between management and shareholders through cross-shareholdings and shareholder
perks remains a major obstacle to a successful unsolicited takeover. Measures under Abe’s economic reform of three arrows have been introduced to
increase the success of unsolicited takeover bids by reducing cross-shareholdings
through tax incentive measures and increasing board independence through a softlaw
based governance code. These are unlikely to have a major impact on removing
the existing obstacles. Adopting the UK Takeover Code or the EU Takeover
Directive would not cure the problem and would more likely entrench the existing
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