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The Relationship of Coworker Incivility to Job Performance and the Moderating Role of Self-Efficacy and Compassion at Work: The Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) Approach
RHEE, Seung-Yoon - Personal Name
HUR, Won-Moo - Personal Name
KIM, Minsung - Personal Name
coworker incivility and job performance via emotional
exhaustion, and the moderating effect of employee self-
efficacy and compassion at work on the relationship.
Design/Methodology/Approach Drawing on the Job
Demands-Resources (JD-R) model, we hypothesized an
indirect relationship between coworker incivility and job
performance through emotional exhaustion. Also, we pre-
dicted that the positive relationship between coworker
incivility and emotional exhaustion would be weaker for
employees with high self-efficacy and compassion experi-
ence at work. Surveys were gathered at two time points,
3 months apart, from 217 frontline employees of a five-star
hotel in South Korea.
Findings The results indicated that coworker incivility was
negatively related to job performance and that the link was
fully mediated by emotional exhaustion. Employees’ self-
efficacy buffered the negative outcomes of coworker inci-
vility, whereas experienced compassion at work did not moderate the relationship between coworker incivility and
emotional exhaustion.
Implications This study advances understanding of the
negative consequences of coworker incivility and the ways
to attenuate such negative effects. We suggested emotional
exhaustion as a key psychological mechanism and revealed
self-efficacy belief as a boundary condition related to
coworker incivility.
Originality/Value With a focus on emotional exhaustion,
this study addresses the call for a better understanding of the
psychological mechanism involved in workplace incivility.
Also, we discovered the role that personal resources play in
mitigating the negative effects of coworker incivility.
Finally, we extend the literature by theorizing the boundary
conditions of coworker incivility using the JD-R approach.
EB00000003955K | Available |
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Seung-Yoon Rhee 1, Won-Moo Hur 2, Minsung Kim 3
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