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Sexuality Within Female Same-Gender Couples: Definitions of Sex, Sexual Frequency Norms, and Factors Associated with Sexual Satisfaction
SCOTT, Shelby B. - Personal Name
(FSG) relationships, couples-based research and interventions
have focused primarily on mixed-gender couples. Consequently,
research has applied a heteronormative lens to understanding
some relationship factors, including sexuality. The current study
sought to provide descriptive data regarding frequency and con-
ceptualizations of sex across partners in FSG relationships, as
well as to analyze how relationship factors are associated with
sexual satisfaction in this population. Participants (N = 206)
were 103 adult FSG couples who had been together for at least
2 months. Individuals provided self-report data on how they
conceptualized sex, and actor–partner models were utilized to
assess relationship factors associated with sexual satisfaction.
Findings indicated that women in FSG relationships hold broad
definitions of sex, with the majority of behaviors conceptual-
ized as sex, including acts that involved partnered genital touch-
ing. In dyadic actor–partner models, sexual satisfaction was pre-
dicted by several factors including sexual frequency, emotional
intimacy, and sexual intimacy. Unexpectedly, higher desired
sexual frequency was associated with lower sexual satisfaction;
however, this finding only emerged after controlling for actual
sexual frequency, suggesting that discrepancies between desired
and actual sex frequency may be important for FSG couples.
Implicationsfor clinical practice with FSG couples are explored,
including a strength-based focus on broad conceptualizations of sex within this population and targeting relationship factors
associated with sexual satisfaction.
EB00000003878K | Available |
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Sexual orientation
Sexual satisfaction
Same-sex couples
Sexual minority women
Sexual norms
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Shelby B. Scott 1,2...[et al]
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