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Organizational Moral Identity Centrality: Relationships with Citizenship Behaviors and Unethical Prosocial Behaviors
MATHERNE, Curtis F. - Personal Name
RING, J. Kirk - Personal Name
FARMER, Steven - Personal Name
ual and organizational moral identity centrality on prosocial
behaviors. Furthermore, we hypothesize that the centrality of
these two offer a substitute effect on these behavioral out-
comes. Validated measures of organizational moral identity
centrality and unethical prosocial behavior are introduced.
Data were collected via two separate samples, University
Greek Life organization members (n = 499) and restaurant
workers (n = 137). Regression results supporting that individ-
uals who claim centrality of moral identity and see their orga-
nizations to also embrace the centrality are more likely to
engage in citizenship behaviors and less likely to commit un-
ethical prosocial acts. Furthermore, results support that both
forms of centrality of moral identity were substitutes in terms
of affecting these two outcomes. Research that contributes to
understanding how individuals within an organization con-
sciously choose to act on behalf of the organization even when
these very actions conflict with generally accepted morals of
right and wrong within their society is valuable to academics
and practitioners alike. This study contributes to this body of
EB00000003730K | Available |
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Moral identity
Organizational moral identity
Moral identity centrality
Citizenship behaviors
Unethical prosocial behaviors
Specific Detail Info
Statement of Responsibility
Curtis F. Matherne 1, J. Kirk Ring 2, Steven Farmer 3
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