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Normative Influence of pro-Environmental Intentions in Adolescents with Different Personality Types
POSKUS, Mykolas Simas - Personal Name
promoting pro-environmental behaviors. There is, however, a lack of understanding whether individuals who have different
patterns of personality traits react to these stimuli differently. The present study addressed precisely this question. Persuasive pro-
environmental messages were placed in a school and changes in pro-environmental intentions and related variables of the
adolescents attending that school were observed. The findings show that adolescents with different patterns of personality traits
are indeed differently affected by persuasive messages and people with different patterns of personality traits in general approach
pro-environmental behaviors quite differently. This has important practical implications for the creation of public service an-
nouncements aimed at promoting pro-environmental behavior.
EB00000003715K | Available |
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Personality traits
Normative influence
Person-oriented approach
Pro-environmental intentions
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Mykolas Simas Poškus 1
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