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Longitudinal Patterns of Self-Regulation among Ethnic Minority Children Facing Poverty
KIA-KEATING, Maryam - Personal Name
load of family and community risk factors that can impact
the development of self-regulatory abilities and result in
socio-emotional and achievement gaps which begin early
and persist across the lifespan. Ethnic minorities are dis-
proportionately represented among children living in pov-
erty. The longitudinal trajectories of self-regulation are
important to understand in this population, in order to best
inform prevention efforts. This study examines patterns of
self-regulation over time among young, ethnic minority
children living in low income, urban households. A strati-
fied, random sample of 555 children, ages 2 to 4 years,
(46% Black, 46% Hispanic; 47% female) were followed
over three waves (including 1 and 5 year follow-ups).
Internalizing and externalizing behaviors at approximately
age nine were predicted by children’s early self-regulation.
Latent class analyses revealed low, medium, and high levels
of self-regulatory abilities at wave 1 (mean age: 2.99, SD
= .81) and low and high levels, 1 year later (mean age: 4.39
(SD = .94). A gender effect was found whereby girls were
more likely than boys to be in the high self-regulation class
relative to the low at both waves. Using Latent Transition
Analysis, distal outcomes were examined approximately 5
years after the initial assessment (mean age: 8.83, SD
EB00000003670K | Available |
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Maryam Kia-Keating...[et al]
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