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Adding academic rigor to introductory ethics courses using Bloom’s taxonomy
RENTMEESTER, Casey - Personal Name
concept of adding rigor to a philosophy course is misguided. Isn’t reading difficult texts
by Immanuel Kant or Friedrich Nietzsche enough to categorize a class as academically
rigorous? This question is based on the misguided assumption that academic rigor has
only to do with course content. While course content is a component of academic rigor,
other aspects such as higher-order thinking, as well as how an instructor designs and
grades assignments, contribute to the level of academic rigor in a course. The author
provides several ways to increase the level of academic rigor in a philosophy course
based upon Bloom’s Taxonomy using examples from an introductory ethics course and
then provides recommendations as to how to grade to promote acad
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Casey Rentmeester 1