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Development supporting framework of architectural descriptions using heavy-weight ontologies with fuzzy-semantic similarity
Mye Sohn 1 - Personal Name
To do so, we developed two heavy-weight ontologies: DM2 Data Dictionary ontology containing whole things of DoDAF DM2 terms such as the definitions, aliases, and mapping relations to DoDAF Models and architectural description ontology expresses all outcomes of efforts to develop the architectural descriptions in a case structure. Based on the ontologies, our framework implements a fuzzy-semantic similarity measure to identify the appropriate views using case-based reasoning to meet the goal as a solution of the architecture to solve a problem. Furthermore, we performed data validation to check the DM2 compliance based on DM2 Data Dictionary ontology. To verify the superiority of our framework, we perform the three kinds of evaluations. First,
we evaluate the effectiveness of the fuzzy-semantic similarity measure. Second, we verify the completeness of relation- ships of the data entities and attributes required to develop the architectural descriptions. Finally, we show the perfor- mance of the DM2 Data Dictionary ontology from a DM2
compliance. As a result, the experimental results verified the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed framework.
EB00000002771K | Available |
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Fuzzy-semantic similarity measure
Heavy-weight ontology
DoDAF Meta-Model (DM2) ยท
Case-based reasoning
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