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Learning with Social Media: How do Preservice Teachers Integrate YouTube and Social Media in Teaching?
Elson Szeto - Personal Name
• Annie Yan-Ni Cheng - Personal Name
• Jon-Chao Hong - Personal Name
teachers’ pedagogies. They seem to be built on instructional
strategies of integrating emergent affordances of the
Internet technologies. This study aims to gain deeper understandings
of the teachers’ pedagogies by exploring their
preferred social media as instructional tools used in
teaching practicums. A qualitative case study of a group of
preservice teachers who integrated the technology in their
teaching in kindergartens, primary and secondary schools
was conducted. The results reveal the teachers’ pedagogies
built on three instructional strategies with four preferences
for the use of social media. Among the social media tools,
YouTube was commonly used with other social media and
non-social media tools, particularly for teaching in secondary
schools. Consequently, three forms of pedagogy—
the direct, constructivist and participatory, were identified
in the digital-native preservice teachers’ instructional
strategies of integrating potential social media affordances.
The implications of the findings for preparing and developing
the teachers’ knowledge of integrating emergent
technologies to form their pedagogies are also discussed.
EB00000002645K | Available |
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Digital-native preservice teacher
Social media Instructional strategy
Technological integration
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