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Learning from Healthy Older Adults: An Analysis of Undergraduate Students’ Reflective Essays
Jinmoo Heo - Personal Name
• Carina King • - Personal Name
Joong-won Lee - Personal Name
• Hyung Min Kim - Personal Name
• Chen Ni - Personal Name
type of pedagogy, and students involved in service
learning projects gain real-world experiences outside the
classroom. Research suggests that intergenerational service
learning projects are becoming increasingly common and
such projects are likely to enhance the quality of both
academic and civic outcomes for students. There is, however,
relatively little research on the learning outcomes of
event management students involved with physically active
older adults. This study investigated the learning outcomes
of undergraduate students who facilitated a sporting event
for older adults. Students participated in structured service
learning opportunities at the Indiana Senior Games, a
multi-sport event for those aged 50 and older. Three
investigators independently used content analysis methodology
to analyze 142 student reflection papers. It was found
that the students developed relationships with older adults,
were less likely to negatively stereotype older adults, and
realized the importance of maintaining an active lifestyle
when they grow old. Service learning opportunities with
older adults are a promising practice for undergraduate
students, as self-esteem and a sense of social responsibility
may be affected.
EB00000002635K | Available |
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