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Affective Personality Traits in Olfactory Dysfunction: the Role of Dysthymia and Arousal
Anne Schienle - Personal Name
Axel Wolf - Personal Name
Peter Valentin Tomazic - Personal Name
Rottraut Ille - Personal Name
examine associations between olfactory deficits and two affective personality characteristics (trait anxiety/trait depression).
Methods A questionnaire study was conducted with a total of 116 participants (33 classified as anosmic, 40 as hyposmic, and 39
as normosmic). All participants gave self-reports on two facets of trait depression (dysthymia, euthymia) and trait anxiety
(arousal, worrying). Due to the fact that in all three groups, trait depression and anxiety were substantially correlated, analyses
of covariance were conducted.
Results After controlling for trait depression, anosmic and hyposmic patients showed lower trait arousal compared to normosmic
controls (partial η2 = .05). After controlling for trait anxiety, patients scored higher on dysthymia (partial η2 = .06).
Conclusions This study underlines the importance of statistically isolating specific associations between each of these affective
personality characteristics and olfactory dysfunction.
Implications The present findings suggest that olfactory dysfunction can have opposite effects on facets of trait depression and
trait anxiety.
EB00000002547K | Available |
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