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And the Band Played Waltzing Matilda: Australian Picture Books (1999–2016) and the First World War
Martin Charles Kerby - Personal Name
Margaret Mary Baguley - Personal Name
Abbey MacDonald - Personal Name
Australian experience during the First World War have sought to balance a number
of thematic imperatives. The increasingly sentimentalised construct of the Australian
soldier as a victim of trauma, the challenge of providing a moral lesson that
reflects both modern ideological assumptions and the historical record, and the
traditional use of Australian war literature as an exercise in nation building have all
exerted an influence on the literary output of a range of authors and illustrators. The
number of publications over this period is proof of the enduring fascination with war
as a topic as well as the widespread acceptance that this conflict has been profoundly
significant in shaping Australian public and political culture and
perceptions about national character and identity (Beaumont, 1995, p. xvii).
EB00000002511K | Available |
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Picture books
Children’s literature
War literature
Australian history
First World Wa
Indigenous Australians
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