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Impact of the Political, Economic, and Educational Contexts on Life Stories of Taiwanese EFL Teachers
Chih-Min Shih1 - Personal Name
examined the lives of general education teachers, relevant
studies in ESL/EFL are rare. The present study intends to fill
this research gap, focusing on Taiwanese EFL teachers’
perceptions of the impact of the political, economic, and
educational contexts on their lives. Thirty-eight EFL teachers
in Taiwan, from diverse backgrounds, were involved in
the study. Results showed that political contexts, such as
divergent ideologies, and Taiwan’s capricious cross-strait
relations with China, had influenced teachers’ careers.
Economic contexts such as the economic depression, the
M-shaped income distribution, and the relocation of laborintensive
industries to China have caused certain English
language teaching markets to shrink and have had an impact
on the life stories of EFL teachers. Educational contexts
including the boom in universities and teacher education
programs have also altered EFL teachers’ career paths.
Overall, this study demonstrates that external contexts significantly
affect some EFL teachers’ lives. More research can
be conducted in different countries to shed light on this issue.
EB00000002501K | Available |
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