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Development of Physics Attitude Scale (PAS): An Instrument to Measure Students’ Attitudes Toward Physics
Daisy Kaur1 - Personal Name
• Yi Zhao1 - Personal Name
description of Physics Attitude Scale (PAS) to measure
students’ attitudes toward physics. The development of this
new instrument involved extensive interviews with both
the experts as well as the students. This was followed by
expert reviews and pilot testing of the instrument. The duly
revised draft was used to collect responses from 624 students,
aged 15–18 from Government Model Senior Secondary
Schools, India. The factor analysis carried out on
the resulting data revealed that the final form of the Physics
Attitude Scale consists of five dimensions: Enthusiasm
toward Physics, Physics Learning, Physics as a Process,
Physics Teacher, and Physics as a Future Vocation. The
content validity of the scale has been confirmed by the
close agreement of experts on the statements. The reliability
analysis showed that the scale consists of internally
consistent items for each dimension. These findings
demonstrate that the Physics Attitude Scale (PAS) possesses
robust psychometric properties. It has been further
found that a positive correlations exist between (a) enthusiasm
toward physics and physics learning; (b) enthusiasm
toward physics and physics as a process; (c) enthusiasm
toward physics and physics as a future vocation; and
(d) physics teacher and physics learning. Thus, the newly
developed PAS can be used as an effective instrument by
researchers and teachers to assess students’ attitudes
toward physics.
EB00000002389K | Available |
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