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Competing Perspectives on Legal Decision Making in Early Modern Ashkenaz
JAY R. BERKOVITZ - Personal Name
valuable perspective on judicial practice and the delivery of justice in early modern Ashkenazic
communities. This essay is concerned with differences in the approaches of poseqim
(jurists) and dayanim (judges); it suggests that these distinctions were reflections of the institutional
settings in which they worked, the size of their communities, and regional factors.
Data unearthed from communal records and rabbinic responsa offer important evidence of
disparities between the offices of early modern dayanim and poseqim, their distinct personae,
and their respective views of how judicial rulings are decided. Moreover, these differences
were related to the slow transition to fixed rabbinic-communal courts in western and central
Europe that was a product of forces peculiar to the resettlement of Jews in the west, the deliberate
development of communal traditions, and the role of the enlightened absolutist state.
The impact of the growing recourse to non-Jewish courts, especially as it evinced differences
between eastern and western/central European history and culture, was also a factor. Clearly,
regional forces influenced the distinct legal efforts and perspectives of judges and jurists, as
did the discrete functions they were assigned, their particular training, and the institutional
standing of rabbinic courts. These differences became more glaring in the two centuries prior
to the collapse of the ancien régime, as structural changes in western Ashkenazic communities
contributed to a new Jewish legal culture
EB00000002383K | Available |
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Jewish law
Halakhah · Metz
Ya’ir H. ayyim Bacharach How halakhic authorities
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