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Developing an Integrative STEM Curriculum for Robotics Education Through Educational Design Research
T. J. Kopcha1 - Personal Name
J. McGregor1 - Personal Name
S. Shin1 - Personal Name
Y. Qian1 - Personal Name
J. Choi1 - Personal Name
R. Hill1 - Personal Name
J. Mativo1 - Personal Name
I. Choi1 - Personal Name
STEM curriculum that uses robots to develop students’ computational
thinking. The need for the project is rooted in both
the overall lack of existing materials as well as the need for
materials that directly address specific STEM standards in an
integrative fashion. The paper details the first mesocycle of an
educational design research project (EDR) in which a robust
theoretical framework was created to support the development
of a 2-week series of robotics lessons. Analysis of evaluation
data from 5 fifth-grade teachers and their students revealed
that the integrative curriculum supported student problem
solving and teacher practices that supported cognitive demand.
Implications for research, design, and instruction are
EB00000002372K | Available |
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. Design-based research
. K-12 STEMeducation
. Computational thinking
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