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Demographic Factors, Personality, and Ability as Predictors of Learning Approaches
Qiuzhi Xie - Personal Name
• Li-fang Zhang - Personal Name
learning approaches can be accounted for by personal
factors (i.e., demographics, ability, and personality). The
participants were 443 students in a university in mainland
China. The Revised Two-factor Study Process Questionnaire,
the NEO Five-Factor Inventory-3, and the short form
of Raven’s Advanced Progress Matrices were respectively
applied to test students’ learning approaches, personality,
and ability. The results of correlations and structural
equation modeling indicated that male students were more
likely to be deep learners than female students; relative to
Year-one students, Year-three students were more likely to
use the surface learning approach and less likely to use the
deep learning approach. Openness to experience and conscientiousness
had strong positive effects on the deep
learning approach. Neuroticism had positive effect,
whereas conscientiousness had negative effect on the surface
learning approach. Approximately 44 % of the variance
in the deep learning approach and approximately
18 % of the variance in the surface learning approach could
be explained by the three personal factors. Personality was
the strongest predictor of learning approaches, whereas
ability was the weakest predictor. The implications of the
results were discussed.
EB00000002368K | Available |
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