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Preface to the Special Issue: Towards Improving Understanding and Prediction of Arctic Change and Its Linkage with Eurasian Mid-latitude Weather and Climate
Xiangdong ZHANG - Personal Name
Thomas JUNG - Personal Name
Muyin WANG - Personal Name
Yong LUO4 - Personal Name
Tido SEMMLER - Personal Name
Andrew ORR - Personal Name
global climate change. Two most striking and fundamental characteristics are the amplified near-surface warming at a rate
twice the global average since the mid 20th century (e.g., Blunden and Arndt, 2012; Huang et al., 2017), and the rapid
decline of sea-ice extent at a pace of 12.9% (10 yr)−1
and thinning of ice thickness by 40% since 1979 (e.g., Kwok and
Rothrock, 2009; Meier et al., 2012). In conjunction with these changes, the frequency of occurrence of extreme climate and
weather events has ostensibly increased across the Northern Hemisphere mid-latitudes, including adverse cold spells, severe
heat waves, destructive floods, and persistent droughts (e.g., Coumou and Rahmstorf, 2012). The fact that Arctic climate
changes have coincided with an increase in the frequency of occurrence of extreme events has inspired broad interest in
possible linkages—not only in the climate community, but also the general public, media agencies, and decision makers—in
particular considering the projected future continuation and acceleration of Arctic warming and sea-ice decline (e.g., Zhang
and Walsh, 2006; Zhang, 2010; Stroeve et al., 2012; Wang and Overland, 2012)
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