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Aesthetic Development in Female Students in Iran
Khosro Rashid - Personal Name
Frank C. Worrell - Personal Name
Dianna Kenny - Personal Name
in girl students. Participants consisted of 75 female
students from five age groups (7–9, 9–11, 11–13, 13–15,
and 15–17-year-old). Students were presented with eight
paintings (two from each of the four different styles).
Paintings were presented one at a time and students were
asked to explain in writing what they thought about each
painting. Responses were coded and the results suggested
that participants from different age groups had different
ways of describing aesthetic paintings. Responses of the
two youngest age groups (ages 7–9 and 9–11) reflected
objectivism, the responses of groups 3 and 4 (ages 11–13
and 13–15) reflected Abstractivism, which encompasses
three different categories named story-telling, affectivism,
and evaluating, and symbolism was reflected in the
responses of only the oldest students (ages 15–17). These
findings may provide support for a developmental progression
of aesthetic development.
EB00000002131K | Available |
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