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Which is greener: secularity or religiosity? Environmental philanthropy along religiosity spectrum
Maryam Dilmaghani1 - Personal Name
this paper investigates how religiosity associates with environmental philanthropy.
Based on the degree of religiosity, the population is divided into five mutually
exclusive segments of very religious, average religiosity, nominal affiliate,
unchurched believer, and strictly secular. The analysis shows that the individuals
identified as very religious contribute the least amount of money to environmental
causes, while the unchurched believers are the most generous. The investigation
also shows that among various dimensions of religiosity, only religious attendance
is statistically significantly associated with environmental philanthropy. The effect
of religious attendance is, however, negative for monetary contribution and positive
for volunteerism. Finally, the contribution of money to religious organizations
negatively associates with environmental giving, while donation to secular causes
predicts a higher level of monetary giving to environmental organizations. Various
implications are discussed.
EB00000002123K | Available |
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