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Implementing a Virtual Health Telemedicine Program in a Community Setting
Scott M. Weissman 1 - Personal Name
Kate Zellmer 1 - Personal Name
Nicole Gill 1 - Personal Name
Deborah Wham 1 - Personal Name
adult and prenatal genetics settings. In 2015, the workforce shortage of genetic counselors left us with 4 open positions for genetic
counselors that we were unable to fill. We explored many models of alternative service delivery, and determined virtual health
(VH) via telemedicine to be the best option for our system. Historically, telemedicine technologies have been used to provide
access to healthcare services to patients in remote areas. We, however, were struggling to find genetics counselors to staff both our
remote clinics and urban clinics. To solve this problem, we recruited genetic counselors from across the country to work remotely
from their current home or home office utilizing VH to staff our clinics. We then created clinical workflows and an implemen-
tation process of virtual health for 9 prenatal and cancer clinics across the eastern Wisconsin footprint of our healthcare system
over the course of 12 months. Here we provide our experience and process in establishing a VH program in order to help other
institutions that have been affected by the workforce shortage of clinical genetics professionals.
EB00000002086K | Available |
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